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A Year of Progress

On this day last year, I posted an Instagram with a bunch of photos, signifying a year since I first went into hospital. I was looking back through this years photos and honestly, there are too many to put in one Instagram post, so I thought I would put them…

Musical Con- My Experience

On the weekend I attended Musical Con with my brother, we had a brilliant time but it definitely didn’t go without a hitch! We travelled to London on friday evening (21st October) and stayed in a Travelodge in Woolwich. The hotel was perfect for us, it had free on-street disabled…

What I have been up to: Sept-Oct

If you have been reading my recent blogs, you will know that I began studying for my Masters degree in September. Obviously, beginning my course has meant less time for blogging- but here I am, and hopefully now I have settled into my course I’ll be able to find time…

My New(ish) Wheelchair

My favourite thing about my chair is how children interact with it. I have had so many kids complimenting and asking about my chair. The small difference I made to my chair has normalised disabilities and mobility aids, and that’s something I am proud of.

My Physiotherapy Progress!

I began my neurophysiotherapy in late June and so far I have had three video call appointments. In that short time, I have made considerable progress. My physio began with looking at the way I support myself when I sit and stand, he showed me that the way I was…

I have finished CBT!

Today I had my 10th and final session of my CBT course. It wasn’t scheduled to be my last one but, between myself and my therapist, we decided that I was ready to move on without further sessions. I began my CBT at the beginning of March when I was…

An Accessible Day Out at the Beach!

One of the first things that I realised was difficult in a wheelchair was going to a beach. The week after I left hospital back in May 2021 we had a holiday booked in Carmarthenshire, the holiday was incredible, but in my wheelchair, it was impossible to access a beach.…

Airport Musings

I am currently sat on a bench at the airport, our flight was supposed to leave at just gone six, and at the moment we don’t know when it will (its currently nearly eight.) I plan on doing a couple of blogs about travelling in a wheelchair but for now…

Disabled Toilets- What makes them accessible?

This blog post is inspired by a reel I recently posted on Instagram, it was about a red cord in a disabled toilet and how it is vital that they hang to the floor, In my time using disabled toilets, I have learnt what makes them good, worse, or downright…

Five things I like about using a wheelchair

Using a wheelchair and being disabled is almost always seen as a negative, people look at you through pitying glances or talk to you as if you are a child. Terms such as ‘wheelchair bound’ or ‘victim’ imply that being disabled automatically means you are suffering. Since becoming a wheelchair…

Accessible Days Out- Edgbaston

I know I have mentioned many times before how much I love cricket, and how my love for the sport has only increased since becoming a wheelchair user. Because of this, I want to highlight how helpful and welcoming Warwickshire Cricket Club and Edgbaston Stadium have been over the last…

Health Update- Seizures

I have been very open talking about my disability and want to continue doing so. In the last couple of weeks, there have been major developments to my FND. Last Tuesday, I blacked out. I fell off my bed and woke up on the floor having hit my head. I…

My Wheelchair Style

For a few years, even before I became disabled, I had become to get bored of the clothes that I wore, and especially since being in a wheelchair I found myself wearing increasingly boring stuff. For a long while, I was stuck wearing leggings and hoodies, which I despised. I…

The A-Z of Niamh

After my last few quite serious posts, I thought it would be nice to do something quick, silly and fun. So here is my list of things that make up me! A- Anxious B- Blogger C- Creative D- Determined E- Emotional F- Fatigued G- Geologist H- Herpetologist I- Independent J-…

Ludlow Train Station- Inaccessible… unforgiveable.

Yesterday, I spent a lovely evening in Birmingham meeting the wonderful Carrie Hope Fletcher. It was a brilliant experience, Carrie was lovely, as always, and the Glee Club was an excellent venue with helpful staff. The only thing that detracted from the evening was the complete inaccessibilty of Ludlow Train…

Accessible Day Out in Birmingham!

Continuing my series of accessible activities and days out, here are the details of my evening out in Birmingham for food and theatre. My brother and I were headed up to Birmingham because I bought him theatre tickets for his birthday this year. I have been very hesitant to go…

5 Accessible Activities!

I have always been one of these people who simply cannot sit still, if I am not doing something productive then I get very restless. Because of these, I have found so many hobbies, especially because I have more time on my hands now! Some of my old hobbies did…

Fears and Cheers- Revisited

I originally came up with this idea when I first started blogging about moving to Canada however, I think the format could work well for where I am in life at the moment. So, without further ado, my Fears and Cheers of Spring 2022: Fears: CBT- So far I have…

3 Ways I have adapted to wheelchair life!

In the year I have been using a wheelchair, a lot has changed for me. At first, I struggled to adapt to my new life, I tried to live life as I did before- after a while I realised that this wouldn’t work and I had to find ways to…

10 things that never fail to make me happy!

I think that my Sunday posts will be more light-hearted, focussing more on things I enjoy or random things rather than disabilities or mental health. So, without further ado, here are ten things that never fail to make me happy! Travelling- As I have spoken about before, travelling is one…

How Functional Neurological Disorder affects me!

How does FND make me feel? For a long time after my diagnosis of FND I felt confused, alone and downright silly. If there was nothing physically wrong with me, then why are all these symptoms occurring? Over time, I have accepted my diagnosis, and whilst I am still a…

My Needle Felting Journey

I wanted to change it up a bit after Thursday’s post, maybe do something a bit more light-hearted. So here’s a story about how I got into needle felting and where it has taken me. I started needle felting in September 2020 because I wanted to find a hobby that…

An Escalation in Anxiety

I’ve suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember. I was formally diagnosed with severe anxiety back in 2018 but the symptoms were present even back in primary school- I can remember being terrified to take off my school jumper because I was anxious that my peers would…

A New Direction

Hi! It’s been a while… and a very odd year! My last update was regarding my health, I had been provisionally diagnosed with FND, I have now received a full diagnosis. I have been a wheelchair user for roughly a year now and I feel like I have finally adapted…

Life and Health Update!

Long time no see! Sorry about that, life has been a little hectic recently and I didn’t really think I would be coming back to this blog. I changed my mind yesterday because I have been struggling with some health issues and thought that documenting everything might aid my recovery.…

My Fitness Journey- Joining a Gym!

Today I am writing about something I never thought I would say… I joined a Gym! The decision to join was made on a whim because I was getting annoyed at the recurrence of a foot injury which meant I couldn’t go for a run. Exercising in front of other…

Starting My Small Business!

It is safe to say August has been a busy month! I finished and handed in my dissertation; moved into my new uni flat and started my small business! I have talked many times on this blog about my love for crafting and decided it was finally time to do…

Mental Health Mondays- An Update

Where I am now… I wasn’t sure what to write about today- I toyed with the idea of leaving it for the week but this series has really been helping me to gather my thoughts surrounding my mental health. I thought it would be nice just to provide a little…

Lockdown Loves

Four months ago today, I landed in the UK after my year abroad was cut short due to COVID-19, it is safe to say it has been a rollercoaster since! Lockdown has been tough for everyone however I don’t want to dwell on negatives, there have been some really lovely…

Mental Health Mondays- Anxieties Still to Overcome

In my last Mental Health Monday blog I vowed to talk about some of the issues that I am yet to overcome. As I mentioned last time, I feel like I have come a very long way, especially in the last couple of months, with my illnesses however, there is…

Library Fridays- Book Challenge Part 3

This is part three of my thirty day book challenge. I am really enjoying writing these posts as it is making me think about books that I might have forgotten reading! Book 15- A book that makes you cry sad tears All the Bright Places- Jennifer Niven This book is…

Mental Health Mondays- Overcoming my Anxieties

This week I am continuing my series surrounding mental health in the aim that it will help anybody who needs it. After discussing my anxiety last week, this week I am going to talk about the issues that I have overcome so far before I go onto discuss the things…

Library Fridays- Book Challenge Part 2

It is week two of my book challenge and I can’t wait to get stuck into seven more books! Book 8: A series everyone should read- The Wilde series- Louise Pentland: Wilde Like Me, Wilde About the Girl and Wilde Women are a roller coaster of emotions and the series…

My Fitness Journey- Cross Training!

Since returning from Canada I have had many problems with my exercise. On my first run back, I had a nasty asthma attack. On my second run back, I felt a twinge in my foot- nothing too serious, then on my third, I couldn’t run. The pain in the arch…

Mental Health Mondays- My Anxiety

I have spoken about my mental health a few times on this blog and I have found that these posts have often been the ones I am most proud of and find most rewarding. During lockdown, like everyone, my mental health has been all over the place; like a rollercoaster…

Library Fridays- Book Challenge! Part 1

I recently came across an online challenge where you pick a book for each category and I thought, why not take part? The Challenge is meant for a post a day however as that might be a tad overwhelming, I will post each Friday detailing seven books! Here are my…

5 Things you don’t know about me!

I feel like I am fairly open about my likes and dislikes however many of you might not know much about me- this blog is a chance to get to know me a little better. Leave a comment telling me something I might not know about you! 1. My favourite…

Top 5! My Travel Bucket List

I have been lucky enough to travel a fair bit, I’ve visited many countries across Europe, some of the Western USA and lived in Canada. Travelling has always been one of my passions and my list of places I want to go is huge, for this blog I managed to…

Making my Patchwork Quilt- Tutorial

As I mentioned in my April Favourites blog (which you can check out here ), I recently made a patchwork quilt out of my old t-shirts and hoodies I didn’t wear anymore. This is how I made it! First, I made a pile of all the t-shirts I wanted to…

April Favourites!

It’s fair to say that April has been a little different to usual! Lockdown so far has been rough so far but luckily everyone I know is safe. It has been about six weeks now since I left the house for anything more than a short walk around the surrounding…

Life Update- I’m Back Home

Where do I start? I wanted to write this blog neraly two weeks ago but, my god, it has been a crazy two weeks! Firstly I want to say that I hope everyone who is reading this and is coping as well as possible in this horrible time. On Thursday…

International Women’s Day! – 5 Women Who Inspire Me

Today is International Women’s Day and I want to celebrate it by talking about 5 women who inspire me everyday. 1. My Mom: Everyone says we are very alike, she told me I could be whatever made me happy, accepting that it might mean not seeing me for months on…

My 5 Favourites- February

1. Vancouver Canucks- At the beginning of my time in Canada I decided I would love to watch some Ice Hockey, I think I have mentioned in a previous post that I didn’t expect to love it as much as I do! Finally a couple of weeks ago I made…

I Did It! – Fitness Journey Part 4!

I planned on writing this post much sooner than I have however this last week has been wonderfully busy so here I am! Last sunday, after weeks of training and build up, I completed the RunGo Dash For Dogs 5km run for Guide Dogs BC and Alberta. I was worried…

This Time Tomorrow! (My Fitness Journey Part 3!)

Over the last few weeks I have gradually increased the distance of my runs, slowly feeling it get easier and finding myself enjoying it more. Eventually last week I completed my first ever 5km in (what I think is a) pretty respectable time of 00:40:20! My original aim for my…

My 5 Favourites- January

This past week has been pretty terrible (an understatement) but instead of dwelling on the negatives, for once in my life, I’m going to focus on the things that make me happy! This post has no real meaning, it is mostly just a way of cheering myself up and helping…

My fitness journey, week 1 update!

I have completed my first week of training for Dash For Dogs- my 5km run for BC and Alberta Guide Dogs and so far it has been a mixed bag! This last week I have been on four 2km runs, the first of these were surprisingly easy, after not running…

Me? Running?! My fitness journey- the beginning

Never did I believe I would be adding a fitness page to my blog, but here we are! For years and years (and years…) I have said to myself I want to get fitter, lose weight and be healthier and then I’d make excuses as to why I couldn’t. As…

Vegas today! An Update

After one of the worst days of my life yesterday I am finally off to Vegas! It all began at midday yesterday when I received a notification from delta saying that my first flight was delayed and therefore I would miss my connecting flight at Seattle so I was being…

Vegas tomorrow!

I am nearly finished packing for my weekend in Las Vegas with Sam! I visited Las Vegas in 2010 when I was 11- not exactly the target audience! I liked it, but this time I will get to do all the things I was too young for. And now I…

Makeup look- Morphe 35V

I recently bought the MORPHE 35V Stunning Vibes palette with birthday money and have been playing around with different looks since. This one is my favourite so far. It’s definitely bolder than I would usually wear in the daytime but subtle enough that you can get away with it during…

A week in the life! – with my boyfriend!

On Saturday 19th October, Sam flew out to Vancouver to visit me for a week, we had a wonderful time and packed a lot into the week, here are some of the highlights! I met Sam at the airport after his plane was delayed by half an hour and, after…

Dear Sam… Our First Year

This time, exactly one year ago we were cuddling on my bed and you asked me to be your girlfriend. I remember you said it like a child, very slow and obvious and I replied in the same manner. This is a little something to say thank you for all…

Top 10- UBC!

I have now been at UBC for 7 weeks and in that time I have loved exploring the campus, it’s like its own town, everything you could possibly need is within a twenty minute walk, all this and it is absolutely stunning! What’s not to love! In my time I…

Top 10- Fears and Cheers!

It’s now just over a day until I embark on my journey to Vancouver- I have contemplated the parts I am most looking forward to as well as those I am definitely not. Here’s my top 10 fears and cheers for going abroad. Cheers last so it doesn’t get too…

Applying for a year abroad- my story

One of my major inspirations for studying Geology was the opportunity to travel- this dream has finally come true! This is due to some very hard work and a pinch of good luck. My A-Levels weren’t what I expected, and I ended up at Cardiff through clearing (best thing that…

A Weekend in the life!

Friday: I am lucky enough to have Fridays off Uni and this week I made the most of it. I woke up at around 8 and went straight down to the laundry room to do a wash. Two hours later I collected it from the dryer and carried it back…

Adjusting to a long-distance relationship

I have been living in Vancouver for a month now… 5000 miles away from my boyfriend. We have been together for almost a year now and are used to practically living together so we knew when I moved away things were going to change, it was going to be tough.…

A Brighter Day!

Two posts in two days?! I just thought after yesterdays heavy post about my mental health (check it out if you haven’t read it yet- the link is at the bottom of this post) I would give a little update. Today has been wonderful!! I woke up this morning, still…

Mental Health- My New Coping Strategy

Most people don’t know this about me, but I suffer from anxiety and depression. Now that feels weird to announce to the world but today, a down day as I call them. This feels like a good way of getting my feelings off my chest as well as hopefully using…

Erase Your Face- Make-up Removal Cloth Review

I had always used cosmetic wipes to remove my make-up, they are cheap, quick and simple to use however cannot be recycled and produce a lot of waste. I am also yet to find a scentless cosmetic wipe which means after using I would always feel unclean- this is also…

Our Stop-Laura Jane Williams, No Spoiler Review

I had heard A LOT of hype surrounding this book so when I spotted it on the Tesco shelves for a measly £2.50 I couldn’t resist it. I bumped it straight to the top of my mile long reading list so I could read the book everyone was talking about.…


I was inspired to start this blog because I contribute to one set up by my University about my experience studying abroad. As I got used to writing the blog I found that I loved it- it was something to take my mind of things and I could just sit…

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